How does CLS work…

CLS provides the full range of products for the protection of your funds

CLS will issue a key & lock plan ac­cord­ing to your re­quire­ments and se­cur­ity con­cepts.

Whenever pos­sible, CLS co­ordin­ates the fact­ory fit­ting of the locks with the vari­ous man­u­fac­tur­ers. Costs will be saved by hav­ing one sys­tem in­stalled by all the dif­fer­ent sup­pli­ers to your casino. In order to guar­an­tee a smooth in­stall­a­tion CLS also ships its tool­set which is a mo­bile work­shop with the de­liv­ery of goods.

Apart from all the ne­ces­sary tools, the tool­set con­tains extra locks of all the mod­els. These can be used for on-site in­stall­a­tion of extra lock po­s­i­tions should that be ne­ces­sary. Just be­fore the open­ing spe­cial­ists of CLS come on site to fit the last locks. All the dif­fer­ent coded lock-plugs are in­stalled into the lock-hous­ings.

Accessory parts or equipment are installed like key safes, cash and tip boxes, trolleys and others. At the end of the installation process, the responsible technicians of the casino receive a technical training. The keys in operation and spare keys are organised in the keysafes and the systems master/installations key is handed over.

CLS locking systems can be easily maintained by the local technicians. Thus the casino is self-supporting and does not need a service contract nor the return of CLS specialists to the site.

CLS offers another major advantage with a special Quick Change Core-key. If a lock code has to be changed due to loss of a key or based on new procedures, cores and keys with a new code can be installed in the casino in seconds with a special Quick Change Core-key without having to dismantle and re-assemble the entire lock from the machine.